Please ensure these points have been covered and entered on the Fact Sheet.
- Contact the union representative
- Discipline/discharge - type and reasons(s)
- Complete a Statement of Events leading to the discipline
- Date and time (this is important to note and document)
- Supervisor's name
- Name, address, phone and statement of witnesses (if any)
- Employees' record
- Print or diagram of area (if applicable)
- Past practice of employer in similar cases
- All correspondence concerning grievance
- Articles violated
For discharge or discipline cases, did the steward:
- Ask about the grievor's personal problems?
- Ask about any previous record, good or bad, long or short?
- Ask about any extenuating circumstances in this case?
- Ask about the personal character of all people involved?
- Discuss the consequences of the penalty?
- Consider whether or not the "punishment fits the crime"?
- Advise grievor to seek employment while waiting.