Please ensure these points have been covered and entered on the Fact Sheet.

  1. Contact the union representative
  2. Discipline/discharge - type and reasons(s)
  3. Complete a Statement of Events leading to the discipline
  4. Date and time (this is important to note and document)
  5. Supervisor's name
  6. Name, address, phone and statement of witnesses (if any)
  7. Employees' record
  8. Print or diagram of area (if applicable)
  9. Past practice of employer in similar cases
  10. All correspondence concerning grievance
  11. Articles violated


For discharge or discipline cases, did the steward:

  • Ask about the grievor's personal problems?
  • Ask about any previous record, good or bad, long or short?
  • Ask about any extenuating circumstances in this case?
  • Ask about the personal character of all people involved?
  • Discuss the consequences of the penalty?
  • Consider whether or not the "punishment fits the crime"?
  • Advise grievor to seek employment while waiting.